Friday, February 20, 2009

Thing 24 -- Refresh Your Blog

Hi, there! Here I am, on the last day to register for "More Things on a Stick," finally getting around to it!

I had planned to use my blog a little more diligently in the off season. It did come in very handy for me when I wanted to post a slideshow of photos for a group of friends. I used "23 Things" to point me to Zoho Show, made a slideshow, and had my group's webmaster add a link to my blog. I actually got a comment! And it was a very positive one!

You know, I wonder if I've been using Facebook as a mini-blog. That's been my favorite "thing" from the first project, and I am a fairly faithful daily user. I've linked up with people from all parts of my life--relatives, friends, library school people.

So...I did a little refreshing of my blog. I looked at the different templates, but I really like the current one, so I didn't make any major changes. I tweaked the fonts and colors a little, to try and brighten the look (I think I'll keep working on this). I added a "subscribe to" gadget (to make it easier for all of my fans to read the latest, don't you know?!) Actually, I think having the "subscribe to" functionality would be a very library-type thing to have. I changed my profile picture and updated the profile information. I've become fond of my current avatar, so I left that alone, too.

As I mentioned, I haven't done much blogging since "23 Things" finished, but the things I learned there have kept me in the world of 2.0 and social networking. I have used the 2.0 tools in practical applications. I've kept up with a few of the blogs I was watching as part of "23 Things" and have been really happy to see new posts every once in a while. I'm all set to get back into blogwatching mode.

So, here we go!

1 comment:

Lydia Schultz said...

Welcome back! I look forward to your progress through these new things too.

I found that I used the Flickr for a slide show of my vacation photos for family and friends so that I didn't have to print them.

These tools can come in handy in "real" life (as opposed to "second life"?).

My Trading Card

My Trading Card mashup!

C O, blue coloured card disc letter o Bead Letter L Caution!